Below is a list of examples of current positions that make up the Lucas Lab. 

 If you feel like you are a good fit for the Lucas Lab, please visit our contact page to inquire! 



Undergraduates from Yale University or surrounding universities can join the lab providing assistance to other lab members learning and performing complex experiments. This is a great opportunity to start gaining lab skills!

Phd student

We are always interested in recruiting motivated PhD students to join our team. 

postdoctoral associate

Postdoctoral Associates who have completed their PhD and/or MD training and are seeking advanced laboratory experience before becoming independent are encouraged to contact Dr. Lucas.



Postgraduate Associates are trainees who have completed their undergraduate education and are seeking full-time research experience before continuing on to graduate or medical school.  Those interested in a Postgraduate position should write Dr. Lucas to apply in their final year of undergraduate studies. 

Other opportunities

The Lucas Lab is always looking for ways to diversify the team and create a dynamic research laboratory. Feel free to Contact Us with your insights!



We look forward to hearing from you!